Hi there!
Welcome to my blog site. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, but never got around to really putting my heart in it. Almost two months ago, my Facebook page got hacked and disabled. I tried everything I could think of to get it back. After a few weeks, I resigned to the thought that it was gone. That got me thinking again about a website. My own domain. Something that would be mine. So here I am.
What am I going to do with this blog? I don’t really know. I have a hodge podge of random ideas- recipes, memories, tips, adventures, parenting triumphs… and fails, lots of them. I may clean them up or I might just throw it all out there as mixed up as I am. Show you a little peek into my brain, if you will.
Should you expect this to be smooth, seamless, pretty, pulled together? Oh, absolutely not! I will, at least, try to make it a daily routine. Practice makes perfect, you know! So, pull up a chair and sit a spell. I’m happy to have you here!